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F. de Goya

Francisco de Goya

Portrait of Goya, painted by Vicente López.
Full name:  Francisco de Goya y Lucientes.
Nationality:  Spanish.
Birth:  1746, Spain.
Death:  1828, France.
Style:  Late Baroque, Romanticism, Neoclassicism, Realism.

Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, an 18th century Spanish visual artist, primarily dedicated to oil painting, drawing, and etching. Prolific, he created approximately 2000 works in total, many of which are preserved.

The most complete collection of Goya's works is currently found in the Museo Nacional del Prado. His oil paintings are considered today as the greatest exponents of Spanish Romanticism.

Regarded as the father of the contemporary period, his influence is recognized in the main figures of modernism, including impressionism and notable painters like Pablo Picasso and Édouard Manet. The influence of his painting continues to this day.

Goya's Paintings

Goya's body of work created during his career is characterized by the application of different pictorial styles according to his age. Thus, his works span from the Late Baroque he began studying at 13, to Romanticism known towards the end of his years.

Experts consider the stylistic transformation of the painter to have occurred very slowly. Goya did not possess an innate and evident mastery; in fact, having participated in numerous painting competitions and study grants, he achieved very limited success.

Here we present the 12 most famous paintings of Francisco de Goya:

  • "The 3rd of May 1808 in Madrid"

    Goya, 1814
    Also known as: The Executions
    Currently located at the Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid.

  • "The 2nd of May 1808 in Madrid"

    Goya, 1814
    English title: The plain of Gennevilliers, yellow fields
    Currently located at the Museo del Prado.

  • "The Clothed Maja"

    Goya, Circa 1800
    Currently located at the Museo del Prado.

  • "The Nude Maja"

    Goya, 1805
    Currently located at the Museo del Prado.

  • "Saint Gregory the Great"

    Goya, circa 1797
    English title: Saint Gregory the Great, Pope
    Currently located at the Museo del Romanticismo, Madrid.

  • "The Dream of Saint Joseph"

    Goya, circa 1773
    English title: Dream of St. Joseph
    Currently located at the Museo de Zaragoza.

  • "Saturn Devouring His Son"

    Goya, Circa 1823
    English title: Saturn Devouring His Son
    Currently located at the Museo del Prado.

  • "A Way of Flying"

    Goya, 1816
    Also known as: "Where there's a will, there's a way"
    English title: A way of Flying
    Currently located at the Museo del Prado.

  • "The Dog"

    Goya, 1823
    English title: The Dog
    Currently located at the Prado Museum.

  • "The Family of Charles IV"

    Goya, circa 1800
    English title: Charles IV of Spain and His Family
    Currently located at the Prado Museum.

  • "The Burial of the Sardine"

    Goya, circa 1810
    English title: The Burial of the Sardine
    Currently located at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, Madrid.

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