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What is a Caricature?

The word caricature comes from the Italian verb "caricare" which means: To put a load on someone, to exaggerate, to increase. These are portraits in which characteristic features of a face are accentuated in order to satirize it. It is possible to make countless caricatures of a person, as it is the artist and the inspiration of the moment who decide whether to deform one feature or another of the portrayed. A good comic drawing is one in which the face of the model is recognized and at the same time shows a humorous version of their face.

Famous Caricaturists

Mort Drucker
Al Hirschfeld
David Levine
Tom Richmond

Philip Burke
Sam Viviano
Sebastian Kruger
Hermann Mejia
Court Jones
Will Elder
Steve Brodner
Norman Mingo
Drew Friedman
James Gillray
Max Beerbohm
Sam Berman
John Leech
Pier Leone Ghezzi
Richard Newton